Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Buckle your seatbelt or you could die!

I know, I know it has been forever since I have posted. My bad! I came back though! When I have a lot to say this is easier then making the longest post in history on Facebook and annoying all my friends. I was reading on Huffington Post: Parents and article by Susannah Lewis on parenting mistakes. I think mistakes are human and the ones she brings up everyone is doing the majority or all of them! She uses humor to open the discussion and make you realize just because you may have done these your child is probably not going to turn into a serial killer (I hope!). I know I do things I shouldn't do all the time and they are little things that make me feel bad after, but it is in no way mentally scarring or abuse. It is fight every night to get L to get to bed. Like yelling and threats to get this kid to lay down and be quiet for 2 seconds because that is all it takes for her to fall asleep! I like sleep she likes sleep why won't she just lay down?!

L graduated to a booster seat after she turned 4 and everything was great for months. Then in the last few months she decided she doesn't like it, it hurts her bottom, she needs me, and a million other excuses why she can't sit in it. Imagine all this whiny is a very sad, tearful voice. Do I cave? H to the no! Safety is key! I tried telling her to leave it on and not to unbuckle it. I tried threats about unbuckling. Finally I tried to explain to her if you don't leave you seatbelt on and we are in an accident you could die. What her 4 year old mind got apparently if you don't do this (insert anything you are not supposed to do) you could die.

We saw a no parking sign the other day which was a P with a red circle and line through it. L thought it meant no Ps allowed. I explained the P was for parking and it meant no parking. Last night we went to the restroom at Walmart and they had one of the baby seats in the bathroom that has a warning on it with the correct and the incorrect way to strap in a baby/toddler. L's take away of the example of the baby not buckled in and falling out of the seat with a red circle with a line through it...if the baby falls out she could die! I awkwardly tried to explain that while I guess that could happen if said baby fell directly on her head in some freak accident, but the baby would probably just be injured. She had some long explanation about how if the baby fell the doctor would have to come, but she would die because she wasn't supposed to do that.

Beginning to rethink my example of not wearing your seat belt in an accident could lead to death. Maybe it was a little over the top although she has been better about not unbuckling!